The Diamond Standard – Participant’s Expanding Horizons
A Promising Future is a comprehensive, wrap-around program designed to equip emerging adults with core psychosocial education, skill development and resources to successfully transition into adulthood. The program includes The Diamond Standard – a 10-session success development curriculum.
A Promising Future has developed a continuum of services designed to support emerging adults, ages 15 – 29, as they navigate through the challenges of forming healthy relationships and establishing solid education and career paths.
Amy Banker
Senior Lead Coordinator
Youth Employment Academy (YEA) at Denver Housing Authority (DHA)
“The Youth Employment Academy at Denver Housing Authority has been providing the Diamond Standard program, in partnership with A Promising Future, to youth since 2009. The instructors are incredible and the curriculum is relevant to our youth who are facing multiple barriers in reaching their goals. We have found that youth who participate in the Diamond Standard program tend to be more active in other programming and seem to have more tools they can use in communicating effectively than youth who do not complete the program. Youth enjoy the curriculum and want to go to class – which is not always the case with other programs! YEA believes it is vital to promote healthy relationships and positive self-esteem while giving youth concrete tools to guide them on reaching their goals. The Diamond Standard is an excellent asset to achieve those standards.”
Diamond Standard Participant
DHA’s Youth Employment Academy program
“Diamond Standard was fun and I learned more about myself and what healthy relationships look like. The instructor was really fun and funny and my classmates made the experience exciting. Also, I loved the pizza every week!”
Gail Bartkovich, MA, LPC
Assistant Clinical Director
Lookout Mountain Youth Services Center
“The Diamond Standard is an easy to follow curriculum that you can be flexible with and still go into depth with specific areas that resonate with our youth. This curriculum helps to engage our more resistant youth and challenge them in a non-threatening way. It helps our youth identify who they are and give them a different perspective. Our experience has been that our students enjoy the group and several have requested to come back through this group.”
Diamond Standard Participant
Dakota Ridge High School
“I have learned a lot about myself and the relationships I have. I have also learned how to deal with problems in relationships and with myself. I can evaluate myself and others, and better understand the way we are and how to deal with certain situations.”
Bob Mallow
Christian Education Elder,
1st Presbyterian Church of Golden
“For over 20 plus weeks, The Diamond Standard served as an excellent tool for in-depth discussions and learnings. We highly recommend the program!”